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What stops you rolling out the mat?

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

Discover simple steps to cultivate a yoga practice
Rolling out the yoga mat

For many years now I've had a relationship with yoga. On some occasions, we've really fallen out! For example, during covid lockdown I completely lost my yoga jam which I found odd as you'd think it would have been the best thing for me to do. Maybe the fact we'd been told to "stay inside" ignited the rebellion in me and all I wanted to do was go outside.

What stops you rolling out the mat?

I've a few tips below to keep momentum with your practice. It works. It's the method I use for always showing up and keeping my focus.

Learn to listen to your body - if you're tired or feeling down then don't commit to a 60 minute intense yoga practice. It is pointless to force your mind and body into doing a practice it doesn't want to do.

If you doubt the why, simply get on the mat and give yourself 20 minutes. Even if that 20 minutes is just in child's pose, or moving through cat and cow, or just lying in Savasana (corpse pose). You'll get the prana (energy) flowing through your body with breath and that is yoga!

Speaking of breath - don't forget to breath. Inhale. Exhale. I like the phrase, "I am breathing in, I am breathing out". This keeps your timing good and gives you a little focus. Try to inhale through the nose and exhale through the nose. This contains the prana in your body and brings a good detox to your organs and blood.

Keep those shoulders away from ears. Even if you just stood in Mountain Pose, sat in Easy Pose or lay down in Savasana. Mindfully draw the shoulders away from the ears to bring comfort to the shoulders, neck and spine. Bliss!

Be Patient! Let the ego go and enjoy the time on the mat. It is a beautiful time to be at one with your mind and body. Notice in each Asana (posture) how it feels, what it brings, how you can let go....and just let the time wash over you.

See you on the mat!

with love

Suzanne x

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