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5 Ways to improve your menopausal health

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

It does sound easy when someone says "just eat well, exercise often and sleep"! If only!

Here are five ways to be mindful of menopausal health that I focus on every day.

Number One

Go to bed and rise at the same time every day if you can. If you work shifts and that isn't possible, then ensure that you still have a routine that you can follow.

Number Two

Go for a walk every day even if just in the morning, at lunch or on an evening. It really does help to keep those hips moving (we hold our tension in our hips).

Number Three

Plan your meals for the week. This sounds boring and it can be unless you really get creative. Look out for recipes that you could try. From your meal plans prepare your weekly shopping. This saves so much money and really helps you to eat to healthy.

Number Four

Juices and Smoothies are a great way to get a good dosage of what you need in your body and quickly! Invest in a juicer machine and be inventive with your mixes. If you have a busy lifestyle a smoothie is a great way to stop you from snacking - espeically if you've a sweet tooth and afternoon slump.

Number Five

Roll out the yoga mat!

with love

Suzanne x

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